Enacted in February 1999, most recently revised in Februry 2025.
Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science (JKBNS) is the official journal of the Korean Society of Biological Nursing Science, and the abbreviated title is “J Korean Biol Nurs Sci.”
JKBNS is a peer-reviewed journal that seeks to promote the development and dissemination of nursing knowledge in the biological nursing disciplines, focusing on the biological · physiological characteristics of subjects and the environment.
Its scope includes the latest research on theory, practice, education, and policy related to biological nursing, and specifically includes understanding of biological changes in health and disease, research methods · tools · techniques, and nursing interventions related to biological · physiological research. It publishes topics on effective education and policy in the biological nursing. Other topics may be published according to the decision of the Editorial Board.
Its regional focus is mainly Korea, but it welcomes submissions from researchers and nurses all over the world.
JKBNS is published quarterly in February, May, August, and November with articles in Korean with English abstracts or in English.
All articles in this journal are indexed in the Korea Citation Index (KCI), KoreaMed database, EBSCO Discovery Service Index, Academic Search Ultimate (ASU) database, and Google scholar, and SCOPUS.
1. Research Ethics
The research and publication ethics guidelines of JKBNS abide by the recommendation of the Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE, http://publicationethics.org ), the Council of Science Editors (CSE, http://www. councilscienceeditors.org/), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE, http://www.icmje.org/), and Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE, http://www.kamje.or.kr/intro.php?body=eng_index).
1) For studies to be conducted with human subjects, authors must include a statement that informed consent and patient anonymity be conformed under the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki (https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects/).
2) Studies to be conducted with animal subjects must state that the work was performed according to NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/guide-for-the-care-and-use-of-laboratory-animals_prepub.pdf). Experiments involving animals should be reviewed by a suitably constituted Ethics Committee of the Institution for the care and use of animals.
3) The authors must be able to state that the study to be conducted with human or animal subjects has been approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB, IACUC). Also, the approval number should be identified in the manuscript. In cases of secondary data analysis, meta-analysis, systematic review, and literature review, an exemption of IRB approval may be required based on the decision of the editorial board.
2. Authorship
1) Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content. Authorship credits should be based on the authorship criteria of ICMJE, 2013 (http://www.icmje.org/icmje-recommendations.pdf), which means only substantial contributions to (i) conception and design, or analysis and interpretation of data; (ii) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; (iii) final approval of the version to be published; and (iv) agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are investigated and resolved appropriately. Conditions (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) must all be met.
2) The first author and corresponding author should be a member of the Korean Society of Biological Nursing Science. When the manuscript written by international researchers or non-nursing researchers meets the aims and scope of JKBNS, the paper may be submitted by the decision of the editorial board.
3) Any master’s degree or doctoral degree thesis must be clearly presented in the cover letter. The degree holder must be the 1 st author of the thesis.
4) Any changes in the authorship (addition, deletion, or change in the order) must be approved by the editorial board prior to the publication.
3. Conflict of Interest
Authors should declare any financial support or relationships that may pose conflicts of interest. The corresponding author is required to disclose the authors’ potential conflicts of interest possibly influencing their interpretation of data. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include employment, consultancies, stock ownership or other equity interests of patent-licensing arrangements, and grants or other funding. Potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed to the Editor-in-Chief with disclosure form (http://www.icmje.org/coi_disclosure.pdf).
If permission from the relevant parties is required in relation to copyright., authors must obtain permission before submitting the paper, and must confirm that there will be no dispute on contracts or ownership with the publication of the paper.
4. Authors contributing papers to the journal shall be free from following fraudulence or unethical misconduct by following the standards (COPE, http://publicationethics.org) presented in the COPE Flowcharts:
5. Disclosure of Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Support Technologies
All authors submitting to this journal must clearly disclose whether they have utilized Artificial Intelligence (AI) support technologies (such as large language models [LLM], chatbots [e.g., ChatGPT], image generators, etc.) throughout the entire manuscript preparation process, including research design, data collection/analysis, image creation, and manuscript writing. For instance, if AI has been used in data collection/analysis or in generating figures/images, this must be specifically stated in the Methods section of the research. Details should include the technology used (model name, version, etc.), scope of application, and interpretation of results. If AI was used in manuscript preparation (for sentence enhancement, translation, proofreading, drafting, etc.), this fact, along with the tools used and their applications, should be detailed in the Acknowledgements section. Chatbots (e.g., ChatGPT) or other AI support technologies cannot be held accountable for the accuracy, integrity, or originality of the manuscript content; therefore, they cannot be listed as authors or co-authors. The responsibility for all materials submitted, including the use of AI technologies, lies solely with the authors. This responsibility includes ensuring the accuracy and proper management of all data, results, and images, as well as preventing plagiarism. If necessary, the editorial board may request additional details from the authors about the use of AI technologies (model names, versions, dates used, etc.). Failure to comply with these regulations may result in the rejection of the manuscript or post-publication measures against already published papers.
6. Avoid duplicate publication and simultaneous submission
7.Treatment of Cases in Violation of Research Ethics
1) The cases in violation of research ethics found from examination or after the publication of papers contributed to the Journal of Korean Society of Biological Nursing Science shall be deliberated and be treated with follow-up measures determined according to the following procedure.
2) Editorial Committee of the Journal of Korean Society of Biological Nursing Science shall deliberate on violations of research and publication ethics and determine the presence of violation. On the judgment of the violation of research & publication ethics, the Editorial Committee shall request author(s) of corresponding violation to withdraw contributed paper(s) remaining in the process of examination for publication. For papers of the violation found after publication, the Editorial Committee shall revoke corresponding paper(s) and prohibit citation therefrom by its official authority.
3) If the Editorial Committee is in the conflict of interests with the case(s) of violation of research &publication ethics, then the deliberation thereof shall be referred to the (IRB or Committee of Research Ethics) to deliberate and determine the presence of violation.
4) The follow-up measures for cases of violation of research & publication ethics are as follows:
5) Member(s), non-members of the Korean Society of Biological Nursing Science, and paper(s), contributed to the Journal of Korean Society of Biological Nursing Science and found relevant to the violation of research & publication ethics, shall be treated according to follow-up measures determined by the deliberation thereon.
6) Documents related to the investigation of scientific misconduct will be stored at the editorial office for three years.
8. Supplementary rules
Details regarding research ethics not specified in this ethical consideration follow the guideliens of the lCMJE and the Ministry of Education (Guideliens for securing research ethics). Alternatively, the research ethics guidenlies of the Korean Society of Nursing Science may be applied.
1. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically via the manuscript submission system of the website of the Korean Journal of Biological Nursing Science (https://www.jkbns.org) with a cover sheet.
2. JKBNS publishes the following types of papers.
3. Any manuscript which does not meet the instruction for authors shall be not accepted.
4. Copyright
Copyright Agreement Form that includes all the author's signatures should be submitted online at submission. All material published in the journal will be copyrighted by Korean Society of Biological Nursing Science. This journal is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivation (CC by ND), so refer to Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerives, https://creativecommons.org.
5. Authors should pay for the review fee specified by the Society.
1. Manuscripts should be written in Korean or English. Bibliography and abstract should be written in English.
2. Manuscripts must be prepared according to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) Style Guide for Authors (http://www.nlm.gov/citingmedicine).
3. The length of the manuscript in Korean should be within 4,400 words (excluding abstract, references, tables and figures) and that in English is limited to 5,000 words.
4. All the manuscripts should be typewritten, double-spaced with Sinmyungjo of 10 font size in Hangul (.hwp) or Times New Roman of 12 font size in Microsoft Word (.doc), using margins of at least 25 mm.
5. Medical terms must be based on the recent edition of "Standard Nursing Terminology" published by the Korean Society of Nursing Science and "English-Korean Medical Terminology" published by the Korean Medical Association.
6. Expand all abbreviations at first mention in the text. Do not use abbreviations in the title.
7. Generic names of pharmaceuticals should be used. Appliances and equipment should be mentioned with their model name, manufacturer, city (state), and nationality declared in parentheses and English. Brand names should be used in discretion.
8. A space is required between English text and the parentheses or between number and the parentheses. There is no space between Korean text and the parentheses.
9. Authors should get permission to use research tools for their studies from the copyright owners.
Original articles
Organize the manuscript in the following order, the title of the article, English abstract, text (introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, conflict of interest, authorship, funding, data availability, acknowledgement), references, tables, figures, and supplement. Tables and figures begin on a new page. The text of the manuscript should not include any identifying information, such as the authors’ names or affiliations, to ensure a blind review. Title page should be prepared as a separate file from the main text.
Review articles
Submitted are welcomed on any field according to the aims and scope, including systematic review, meta-analysis, scoping review, and integrative review. The main text should be within 8,000 words and consists of an introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. There is no limit to the total number of references. For systematic review, meta-analysis, a list of reviewed papers should be submitted as a supplement.
Invited articles
Authors are invited by the Editorial Board and the word count of the main text should be within 4,000. Articles consist of introduction, main text, and reference. References should be limited to 50 or less, and the abstract is optional.
An editorial is invited by the Editorial Board. The topics are discussed between editors and authors before submission. There is no specific format.
1. Title page
2. Abstract
An abstract of no more than 250 words for articles (excluding tile of the article) should be typed double-spaced on a separate page. It should cover the main factual points, including purpose, methods, results, and conclusion. Three to five English keywords should be accompanied by an abstract based on Medical Subject Headings (MeSH, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/).
3. Text
The text of the article is usually divided into sections with the headings: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Conflict of interest, Authorship, Funding, Data availability, and Acknowledgement.
4. Tables/Figures
1) Tables/Figures should be placed on a separate page and written in English, but not duplicate. The number of tables/figures in the manuscript should be no more than five.
2) All lines of tables should be single. Vertical lines are not acceptable.
3) The title of the table should be placed on the top of the table and the first letters of important words should be capitalized (e.g., Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of Participants).
4) The line spacing of tables, the title of tables, or the title of figures shall be set either 100% or single-space.
5) Tables, as well as figures, should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.
6) Define abbreviations used in the tables/figures at the bottom of a table/figure (e.g., BP=Blood pressure; BT=Body temperature).
7) Table footnotes should be indicated with superscript symbols (e.g., †, ‡, §,∥, ¶, #, **) in sequence.
8) All units of measurements and concentrations should be designated.
9) The significance level should be rounded off to three decimal places (e.g., p=.003). If a p-value is .000, it shall be indicated as p<.001. If p-values have to be reported using footnotes, *, ** shall be used (e.g., *p<.05, **p <.01). The significant probability 'p' should be written in a small italic letter.
10) Only if the number of statistical data can be more than 1, 0 shall be placed in front of the decimal point, otherwise do not write "0" before the decimal point (e.g., t=0.26, F=0.92, p<.001, r=.14, R2=.61).
11) Percentage(%) should be rounded off to one decimal place (e.g., 24.7%); mean, standard deviation and a test statistic, such as t, F, x2, r, should be rounded off to two decimal places (e.g., M±SD 23.98±3.47, t=0.26, F=0.98, R2=.61).
12) The title of the figure should be placed below the figure with the first letter capitalized (e.g., Figure 1. Weekly body weight gain.).
13) The figures belonging to the same number shall be distinguished by alphabetized suffixes. (e.g., Figure 1-A, Figure 1-B)
14) As for a microscopic photo of a tissue specimen, the site, dyeing method, and magnification of the tissue shall be presented.
5. Appendix
Authors should submit an appendix to show the developed final measurement in the instrument development study and list of reviewed articles in systematic review or meta-analysis research.
6. References
1) Citation in text
In the text, citation of references should be conformed to Citing Medicine: The NLM(National Library of Medicine) Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers 2nd edition (2007) (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/citingmedicine). Reference should be numbered serially within 〔 〕in the order they appear (e.g., In the study by Norton et al. [23]...). When multiple references are cited together, use commas (e.g.,〔2,5〕). When more than three references are cited to indicate a series of inclusive numbers, use a hyphen (e.g.,〔3-5〕). Even if you decide to include the author's name in the text, you should insert the citation number after the author's name. If a work has one or two authors, you should insert all authors in your text (e.g., Jones [10], Jones and Smith [12]). If you want to name more than two authors in the text, you should insert the first author’s last name followed by “et al.” (e.g., Jones et al. [3]).
2) Reference list
In the reference list, the references should be numbered and listed in order of appearance in the text. The number of references should be 50 or less for an original article except for manuscripts on the structural equation model and review articles. References should be listed in English according to the NLM style (https://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html). Full journal name should be written with first letters of important words should be capitalized. If a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) has been assigned to the referenced article, authors should include it at the end of the page numbers of the referenced article.
References examples form:
1) Journal articles
authors’ names (including all co-authors). title. journal full name. year;volume(issue):page numbers. DOI
(1) Journal paper with up to six authors:
Won SJ, Chae YR. The effects of aromatherapy massage on pain, sleep, and stride length in the elderly with knee osteoarthritis. Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science. 2011;13(2):142-148. https://doi.org/10.7586/jkbns.2011.13.2.142
(2) Journal paper with more than six authors:
Lee KS, Jeong JS, Choe MA, Kim JH, An GJ, Kim JH, et al. Development of standard syllabuses for 4 subjects (structure and function of human body, pathogenic microbiology, pathophysiology, mechanisms and effects of drug) of bionursing. Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science. 2013;15(1):33-42. http://dx.doi.org/10.7586/jkbns.2013.15.1.33
(3) Online articles not yet published in an issue
Heale R, Dickieson P, Carter L, Wenghofer EF. Nurse practitioners' perceptions of interprofessional team functioning with implications for nurse managers. Journal of Nursing Management. Forthcoming 2013 May 9.
Fujita K, Xia Z, Liu X, Mawatari M, Makimoto K. Lifestyle and health-related quality of life in Asian patients with total hip arthroplasties. Nursing & Health Sciences. 2014. Forthcoming.
2) Periodicals or magazines
Rutan C. Creating healthy habits in children. Parish Nurse Newsletter. 2012 May 15:5-6.
3) Newspaper Articles
Cho CU. Stem cell windpipe gives Korean toddler new life. The Korea Herald. 2013 May 2; Sect. 01.
authors’ name(s). title. the number of the edition. place of publication: publisher; year of publication. page numbers.
Entire book
Han MC, Kim CW. Sectional human anatomy. 3rd ed. Seoul: Ilchokak; 1991. p.85-161.
Gordon PH, Nivatvongs S. Principles and practice of surgery for the colon, rectum, and anus. 2nd ed. St Louis: Quality Medical Publishers; 1992. p.102-105.
Chapter in a book
McCabe S. Psychopharmacology and other biologic treatments. In: Boyd MA, editor. Psychiatric nursing: Contemporary practice. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott-Williams and Wilkins; 2005. p. 124-138.
Translated book
Stuart G. Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing. 9th ed. Kim SS, Kim KH, Ko SH, translators. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby; 2008. p.520-522.
An Edited Book
Curley MAQ, Moloney-Harmon PA, editors. Critical care nursing of infants and children. Philadelphia, PA: W.B.Saunders Co.; 2001.
Unknown authors or editors
Resumes for Nursing Careers. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Professional; 2007.
An Encyclopedia or Dictionary
Snodgrass, Mary Ellen. Historical encyclopedia of nursing. Darby, PA: Diane Publishing Company;2004.
Fitzpatrick JJ, Wallace M, editors. Encyclopedia of nursing research. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company; 2012.
Government reports
authors’ name(s). title. type of report. place of publication: publisher; year of publication. report numbers.
Smith P, Golladay K. Payment for durable medical equipment billed during skilled nursing facility stays. Final report. Dallas, TX: Dept. of Health and Human Services (US), Office of Evaluation and Inspections; 1994 Oct. Report No.: HHSI-GOEI 69200860.
Unpublished Dissertations and Theses
Not recommended. Maximally 10% in references is allowed if absolutely necessary.
authors’ names. title〔type of certificate〕. place of publication: university; year of publication. page numbers.
Doctoral dissertation
Choi YJ. A study of utilization of alternative complementary medicine by cancer patients 〔dissertation〕. Seoul: Seoul National University; 1998. p. 26-41.
Master’ s thesis
Kwon IS. Effect of music therapy on pain, discomfort, and depression for fracture patients in lower extremities〔master’s thesis〕. Daegu: Keimyung University; 2003. p. 6-11.
Cited from secondary materials
Not recommended. It is allowed only if an inevitable situation where the primary material could not be found. It shall be declared that secondary materials are cited from primary materials.
Gordis E. Relapse and craving: A commentary. Alcohol Alert. 1989;6:3. Cited by Mason BJ, Kocsis JH, Ritvo EC, Cutler RB. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of desipramine for primary alcohol dependence stratified on the presence or absence of major depression, JAMA. 1996;275:761-767.
Conference papers
Unpublished oral session presentation
author(s). paper title. Paper presented at: conference title, the year, place, place.
Lanktree C, Briere J. Early data on the trauma symptom checklist for children. Paper presented at: The meeting of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children; 1991 January 23-25; San Diego, CA.
Unpublished poster session presentation
author(s). paper title. Poster session presented at: conference title, the year, place, place.
Ruby J, Fulton C. Beyond redlining: Editing software that works. Poster session presented at: The annual meeting of the Society for Scholarly Publishing; 1993, June 6; Washington, DC.
author(s). paper title. Paper presented at: conference title, the year, place. place: Publisher; year of publication. page number.
Pacak K, Aguilera G, Sabban E, Kvetnansky R, editors. Stress: current neuroendocrine and genetic approaches. 8th Symposium on Catecholamines and Other Neurotransmitters in Stress; 2003 Jun 28-Jul 3; Smolenice Castle, Slovakia. New York: New York Academy of Sciences; 2004 Jun. p. 159.
Web sites
author(s). title [Internet]. place of publication: publisher; year of publication [date of citation]. Available from URL.
Hooper JF. Psychiatry & the Law: Forensic Psychiatric Resource Page[Internet]. Tuscaloosa(AL): University of Alabama, Department of Psychiatry and Neurology; 1999 Jan 1 [cited 2007 Feb 23]. Available from: http://bama.ua.edu/~jhooper/.
All submitted manuscripts are first reviewed by journal editor-in-chief. If a manuscript fails to comply with the submission guidelines or the checklist, it will be rejected for review and then returned to the author, to be re-written and re-submitted according to the submission guidelines.
Review process
All manuscripts are sent simultaneously to three reviewers for blind peer review. Authors will receive notification of the reviewer’s comments with the publication decision (accept, accept with minor revision, review after major revision, reject).
Submission of revised manuscript
According to the reviewers’ recommendations, the authors should revise the manuscript with the presentation in red and submit revised manuscripts with a table for reaction to the reviewer’s recommendations via an online submission system within 14 days. If necessary, the Editorial Board may consult statisticians during the review process. Rejected papers may have one more chance to have a peer-review process if the author resubmits the paper after complete revision.
Manuscript editor’s review
The finally accepted manuscript will be reviewed by the manuscript editor of JKBNS for the consistency of the format and the completeness of references.
Before publication, the proof will be sent via email to the corresponding author for approval. The proof must be returned after the approval of the corresponding author within 48 hours.
Publication fee
Upon acceptance, the publication fee of 600,000 Korean Won (600 USD) per article is requested to the corresponding author.
Online Open and Subscription services
1. Full texts of the journals can be viewed free of charge, and the site URL is https://www.jkbns.org.
2. If you are interested in subscribing JKBNS, mail to jkbns@jkbns.org. Subscription to the JKBNS is available by requesting a subscription of the Korean Society of Nursing Science. A subscription fee of 40,000 won (KRW) is charged for 1 year, and the journals (February, May, August, November issues) are delivered by mail.
Enacted Feb. 1999
Revised Dec. 2007
Revised Jan. 2010
Revised May 2012
Revised May 2013
Revised Dec. 2014
Revised Nov. 2015
Revised Nov. 2017
Revised Apr. 2018
Revised Feb. 2019
Revised Feb. 2020
Revised Feb. 2021
Revised Nov. 2022
Revised Oct. 2023
Revised Feb. 2025
Journal of Korean
Nursing Science
Print ISSN: 2383-6415
Online ISSN: 2383-6423