J Korean Biol Nurs Sci > Volume 17(3); 2015 > Article
Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science 2015;17(3):228-235.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7586/jkbns.2015.17.3.228    Published online August 31, 2015.
Assessment of Nurses' Nutritional Knowledge and Educational Needs Regarding Stroke Specific Diet Regimens
Song, Suk Hee , Choi-Kwon, Smi , Baek, Ji Hyun , Song, Kuyng Ja , Koh, Chi Kang
1Medical Intensive Care Unit, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
2College of Nursing, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. smi@snu.ac.kr
3Research Institute of Nursing Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
4Medical Research Collaborating Center, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
5Nursing Service Department, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
Although the prevalence rate of chronic diseases is rapidly increasing due to an unhealthy diet in Korea, nurses may not have enough nutritional knowledge to educate their patients. This study investigated the level of nurses' nutritional knowledge for chronic diseases as well as for strokes, and the needs for nurses' nutritional education.
This research is a descriptive research conducted from April to August of 2014, on 242 nurses who work with stroke patients, in two tertiary general hospitals in the city of Seoul, South Korea.
The average nutritional knowledge score of our subjects was 19.9+/-2.51 (range 12-24). The correct response rate was 83% which was higher than expected. However, many nurses (31-66%) answered incorrectly on items such as 'Drinking low-fat milk is better than whole milk', and 'Seasoning with a large amount of soy sauce instead of salt can reduce sodium consumption'. We also found that nurses who received continuing education regarding nutrition scored higher than those who did not (p=.020). There was no correlation between nutritional knowledge and the need for nutritional education (r=.034, p=.601).
The level of nutritional knowledge of the nurses was relatively low and irrelevant to the completion of nutrition courses during university or duration of experience. Rather, the relevance was higher when the nurse received nutrition-related training after graduating from university. Our results imply that continuous nutritional education is necessary for hospital nurses.
Key Words: Nurses, Nutrition knowledge, Education needs, Chronic disease, Stroke

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