J Korean Biol Nurs Sci > Volume 26(2); 2024 > Article |
Mi-Kyoung Cho has been an Editor-in-Chief since 2024. However, she was not involved in the review process of this manuscript. Otherwise, there was no conflict of interest.
MKC and MYK contributed to the conception and design of this study; MYK collected data; MKC performed the statistical analysis and interpretation; MKC and MYK drafted the manuscript; MKC and MYK critically revised the manuscript; MKC and MYK supervised the whole study process. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
IRB = Institutional review board; G = Group; E = Experimental group; C = Control group; RCT = Randomized controlled trial; VAS = Visual analogue scale score; DN4 = Douleur neuropathique questionnaire, NePIQoL = Neuropathic pain impact on quality of life questionnaire; BPI-DPN = Brief pain inventory for diabetic painful neuropathy; NPSI = Neuropathic pain symptom inventory; VCS = Verbal category scale, BP = Blood pressure; RR = Respiratory rate; PR = Pulse rate; SPO2 = Oxygen saturation level; SF-36 = Short-form health survey; M = mean; SD = Standard deviation.
Mi-Kyoung Cho
Mi Young Kim
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